Introducing our Student Ambassador team!


24th Sep 2020


Online study


We’re excited to announce the formation of our pioneering Student Ambassador team. In the coming months, they’ll be developing and participating in a range of exciting student-focused projects, from Unibuddy to vlogs and social media takeovers as well as virtual events.

Our Student Ambassadors will be sharing their first-hand experiences of studying their course, which will give you an authentic insight into what it’s like to study with us.


Answering your questions

You can connect with our Student Ambassadors through a chat platform called Unibuddy, where you can ask them any questions you may have about studying online. Our Student Ambassadors will also be writing blogs about their tips and experience, which you’ll also be able to read via Unibuddy.

Start a chat with one of our Student Ambassadors now!


However, if you have an admissions-related query, it’s best to discuss with one of our friendly Admissions Advisers.


Sharing their experiences

In the next few months, our Student Ambassadors are planning to develop videos and social media takeovers on a variety of student topics, such as how to find the right course for you and a sneak peek into their experiences studying online.

Therefore, if you don’t already follow our social media channels, ensure to do so now so you don’t miss out on the latest from our students! Here are our links to stay connected:






If you’d like to request that one of our Student Ambassadors cover a specific topic, please email


Participating in virtual events

Throughout this year we have delivered a variety of subject-specific webinars and virtual Open Days. In addition to these, we’ll soon be launching a series of exciting new events, from Applicant Days to programme Q&A sessions. If our Student Ambassadors are available, they’ll be online during these events to answer any questions you may have from a student-perspective.

If you’re interested in attending one of these events, stay tuned to our social media channels – once we schedule our next event we’ll post the registration link so you can book your place.


We can’t wait to see what our Student Ambassador team will be creating soon. In the meantime, you can start chatting with them now!