Our top tips for keeping fit while studying!


23rd Feb 2018


Struggling to solve an assignment question? Feel like you have writer’s block? Well, whilst we aren’t going to do your work for you, we may have a solution.

According to research by Harvard Medical School, exercise can help improve your memory and your thinking, which is perfect for those moments when you’re feeling stuck. So why not take a break, grab some water and head outside. We have gathered some of the top ways to keep your body moving during those study breaks and—best of all—they are all things you can do for free!


Chair exercise

Chair exercise can help your body get fitter without even leaving your desk. There are plenty of moves you can do; you may even want to try them while you are studying! Take a look at NHS advice on chair exercise. It’s a great place to start, especially if you haven’t done any exercise for a while.



Of course, it’s not good for the body to spend lots of hours at a time sitting, so give yourself a bit of a stretch out with some Yoga.  There are lots of benefits from taking a little time out of your day to join this popular past time. Yoga can help increase your muscle strength and flexibility, but it also has many other health benefits such as lowering your blood pressure and sugar as well as keeping your cholesterol in check. Take a look at Yoga Journal who offer free online videos for you to try out.



Running is a great way of giving your brain a rest and getting your blood pumping. The best thing about running, a bit like online learning, is you can do it absolutely anywhere! All you need is a good pair of trainers. If you are new to running, then an excellent place to start would be a Couch 2 5k programme. There are lots of free apps available online that run these programmes to get you started. Before you know it, you’ll be dashing out on all your study breaks!



Like the idea of going outside but don’t want to run? Not a problem, even going for a short walk can help take your mind off things. Getting outside for some fresh air can boost your immune system and de-stress your body. Check out the BBC’s guide to walking for ideas and inspiration on how you can get out and explore your local area. We’re sure you’ll come back ready and raring to go with your next assignment.


Dancing and online workouts

And if the weather is a bit rubbish outside then there is plenty of stuff you can do from the comfort of your home. With sites like YouTube you can enter any workout style you want and there is probably a routine available. Why not give a new dance a try, or perhaps you want help building muscle with weights or aerobics? It’s all available online, ready at the click of a button. Bored of staring at a screen? Then you can always put on some of your favourite tunes and dance it out in your room. As long as you are moving you’ll be working up those endorphins, making you feel better when you come back to studying.


Eat and sleep well

Lastly, it’s important you eat well and get enough sleep. To study to the best of your ability you should be well-rested, and it is recommended that an adult should be getting around 7-9 hours’ sleep a night. So, make sure you are keeping your body fresh with a healthy diet and plenty of sleep.


Want to learn more about looking after yourself while you study? Check out our blog on Health tips for online students.