Virtual graduation celebration 2020


02nd Sep 2020




We were saddened that we had to postpone another graduation ceremony due to the ongoing coronavirus situation. Graduation is an event our graduates deserve after their long years of study and one our staff look forward to all year. 

In 2022 we were finally able to host our in-person graduation, but before we knew if this would be possible, we wanted to put together an event to celebrate the achievements of our graduates a little closer to them finishing their studies; We held our second virtual graduation celebration. 


The virtual graduation celebration

Held over Zoom and open to all of our 2020 graduates, the celebration featured a live welcome from our Academic Director David Dixon, as well as videos from the University Chancellor John Bercow and Vice-Chancellor Anthony Forster.

Graduates had the opportunity to chat amongst themselves in subject-focused breakout rooms, as well as smaller chat sessions with the Student Advisers that had been supporting them throughout the duration of their studies.


Our 2020 awards

It also included the announcement of our 2020 award winners. Congratulations to:

  • Top Undergraduate Business Graduate 2020 – Faye Stow
  • Top Undergraduate Criminology Graduate 2020 – Barbara Kershaw
  • Top Undergraduate Law Graduate 2020 – Sofie Grundin
  • Top Postgraduate Business Graduate 2020 – Steve Vella
  • Top Postgraduate Criminology Graduate 2020 – Cliff Aguiar
  • Top Postgraduate Law Graduate 2020 – Petros Shayanowako
  • Top Postgraduate Health Graduate 2020 – Mafaten Chaouali


Alan Jenkins Memorial Award winner

Every year, we present the Alan Jenkins Memorial Award to the student that we feel has the most inspirational study experience story. In 2020, the winner of this award is Michelle Burrows-Adderley. Here is a video from our Managing Director, Nicola Pittman, and our winner Michelle:


Congratulations to our graduates!

Thanks to everyone who helped make our virtual graduation celebration a success. We look forward to welcoming all of our 2020 graduates at our campus graduation next year.

Since publishing this blog in 2020, we have updated it to include our in-person celebration held in 2022, where our 2020 and 2021 graduates were able to graduate on campus.


Spring Graduation 2022

On a sunny day in March 2022, our 2020 and 2021 graduates were finally able to join us on campus to celebrate their fantastic achievements. After waiting patiently for their big day, our graduates had a well-deserved celebration, with a moving ceremony, and a busy and exciting reception. Many drinks were poured and canapes shared throughout the afternoon, as our students mingled with their course mates for the first time. It was touching to see our students enjoying themselves after working diligently throughout the pandemic. Some of our students even stopped to tell us about their experience:

Since publishing this blog,  because graduates from 2020 cohort finally got a chance to graduate in-person.


Want to join us at a future graduation? Get a prospectus to find your course and start the journey towards graduation day!