In 2021, we asked University of Essex Online students to complete our dedicated student survey. Questions asked related to their career following graduation, their thoughts about their course and personal development – and the results were promising.  


Changes to careers  

All our courses are designed with career prospects in mind. Not only do students gain a strong understanding in their chosen subject area, they also develop core skills favoured across a huge range of industries. Our survey showed: 

  • almost 3 in 5 students said their studies had had a positive effect on their career 
  • 69% said studying with us had increased their confidence at work 
  • 63% agreed the skills gained on their course helped them in difficult situations in the workplace 


Personal development 

Our seminars, discussion forums, research and essays help students grow in confidence, aiding both personal and professional development. According to the survey: 

  • 3 in 5 felt their studies had helped them develop key transferable skills 
  • 70% said they’d honed their subject-specific skills 
  • 92% said they’d improved their research skills during their studies 


Future plans 

There are many reasons students choose to study with us – to upskill, reskill or simply challenge themselves. As part of the survey: 

  • 4 in 5 felt prepared for their future career or further study 
  • 89% say their studies fit with their future plans 
  • 88% saw how to apply the knowledge and skills they’d gained to their future career path 

We’re proud to offer such a rewarding experience to our students. 

If you’re considering studying with us, then the next step is to download a prospectus.