
I’ve used the modules I’m studying in my real-life work experiences, which is amazing!

I was working in the emergency room and intensive care unit, providing critical care for paediatric emergencies and looking after children who’d fled armed conflict and were living in slum dwellings with their parents or guardians. It was here I decided a Master of Public Health was the way to go to progress my career. 

I’m currently working as a child survival and development consultant. I chose to study public health because the course is beneficial to my current career aspirations. With this course, I’ll gain a broader perception of health. It will allow me to address the primary healthcare disease burden in my community, as well as water hygiene and sanitation, child protection and much more.  

I chose the University of Essex Online because of the flexibility and affordability when compared to other universities of the same standard. This allowed me time and space for both my studies and personal development to fit into my working life.  

It’s been a great experience to be part of this academic community. The shared experience around module discussions have been a great learning platform. It’s been wonderful speaking to my course mates across the globe.  

I’m very passionate about maternal and child health, especially improving access to high impact primary healthcare for those living in rural areas. I hope to apply the new concepts I’m learning to my work, both in the emergency departments here and globally in the future. 

As public health evolves with challenges across our diverse continents, I’d strongly recommend this course to everyone. It will be a worthwhile decision for anyone who is thinking of studying with the University of Essex Online.  


Interested in seeing where a Master of Public Health could lead you? To find out more, download a prospectus. 

Marnee Gamboa

I chose to further my education with a Masters degree in Global Digital Marketing with the University of Essex Online. This decision was fuelled by the flexibility of the course and the supportive community, aligning perfectly with my aspirations and background.

Emanuela Meloyan

I was surprised to find out that you can gain your LLB via distance learning – and that it carries the same value as an LLB qualification gained on campus.

Les Huysmans

After an in-depth search, I chose the University of Essex Online for its affordability, the helpful responses to my initial queries and the thorough yet smooth admissions process.