Joy Ngugi -MSc Data Science


I can maintain my job while pursuing my studies, enabling me to apply new skills directly to my work and vice versa. 

With a background in computer science, I always knew I wanted to further my education with a postgraduate degree. In the fourth year of my studies, I was introduced to machine learning and this became an instant passion! Having excelled in mathematics from an early age, this solidified my decision to pursue a Masters in data science. 

Finding the right opportunity proved challenging, as the best data science courses were only offered outside of Kenya. This would have required relocating to a new country and resigning from the job I’d recently acquired. Faced with these challenges, I began researching online courses and quickly discovered that the University of Essex Online offered a highly ranked data science course. Choosing this course was an easy decision for me; it allowed me to maintain my job while pursuing my studies, enabling me to apply the skills I developed directly to my work and vice versa. 

I’ve been impressed by how well structured each module is, divided into manageable chunks that allow me to plan in advance. The eLibrary has been an invaluable resource throughout my studies and research, while the Student Services team have been exceptionally supportive in responding promptly to any enquiries I’ve had. Each module has provided a new challenge and experience, allowing me to develop new skills, both technically and within research. 

I believe the skills I’ve acquired so far will be beneficial to furthering my education and I’ve already seen how invaluable they have been to my career. 


Interested in seeing where a degree in data science could lead you? To find out more, download a prospectus. 

Bria Murphy

Since starting my degree, I’ve gained a great insight into key business and marketing theories, frameworks and models, that I can now apply to my day-to-day work life.

Anjelika Maromedoba

My long-term goals are to work in the United Nations Organisation or the World Health Organisation, as well as continuing my education with the University of Essex.

Maria Grecco

I work as a forensic psychiatrist in Argentina and this course has been amazing, it has really changed my life and my working practice.