I had a keen interest in business and after finishing college I decided to pursue a degree.

I applied to the University of Essex Online when was I 18 years old and in my last year of college. I’d also taken on a full-time law degree on campus, so this was another commitment I had. My overall intention is to enter business law, combining both of my degrees. 

I contacted the Admissions team who informed me about the course and told me how it would fit into a busy lifestyle. Studying online allowed me to work in the comfort of my home while also managing my other studies. Another reason I chose the University of Essex Online was the fantastic student satisfaction rate, which was encouraging and made me choose this university over others.  

The tutors had a wealth of experience and I particularly enjoyed developing knowledge of new subject areas such as business planning, global business environments and financial decision making. I also enjoyed learning with other students and made friends along the way. This offered great support, knowing I could connect with other students and work together. 

It’s been challenging doing a law degree at the same time; however, with careful time management I’ve found that my studies have worked well together. I’ve also had the chance to work in between my studies and build a support website which has really fitted in with studying. 

Graduation can be described in one word – AMAZING! The day began with lots of introductions to fellow students and staff members. Everybody was so happy, friendly and welcoming. To top it all, I was presented the Top Undergraduate Award, which really rewarded my hard work over the years. Winning the award means a great deal to me; it shows I made the right decision continuing my studies and shows that my hard work, commitment and time management was worthwhile.  

A final piece of advice would be to ensure you make the most out of your time studying. It definitely goes quick!  


Interested in seeing where a business degree could lead you? To find out more, download a prospectus.  

Nicholas Pillay

What really sets the University of Essex Online experience apart is the exciting online lectures. They curate interactive and fascinating lecturecasts to keep you engaged throughout each module.

Agnisha Bose

I aspire to become a mental health professional and start my own private practice one day.

Razan Alnather

The possibility to change your life is more tangible than you think. If you are working abroad in another country, an online qualification can increase your career options and open up paths to achieve your goals.