
Take a breath and go for it, don’t be disheartened or held back by age or self-doubt.

My husband and I started our own business 13 years ago and we now employ a team of 20 employees and deliver training to over 400 clients. I’m really proud of what we’ve achieved. Away from work, I love spending time with family and friends, go horse riding when I have the time and read a lot. If it’s not a murder mystery or thriller, then it’s a book on psychology. 

I’ve always been fascinated by psychology and hopefully once I’ve completed my CertHE Psychology with the University of Essex Online, I’ll be accepted to study the BSc (Hons) Psychology. I needed an online course as running the business does take up a lot of my time. I researched the different options available and this course was easy to understand and the information given by the team was straightforward.  

The course is amazing. You need to be focused and make time to read the literature and complete your modules, but it’s ignited a passion for learning that I’d forgotten I had. It’s important that you manage your time and ensure you’re making the most of any study time you get. The course is well structured and the virtual learning environment (VLE) is easy to use. There’s lots of ongoing support, so if you’re unsure of something you can always contact either the Student Support team or your tutor, who are available to assist you as you progress through the different modules. 

I was hesitant and put off doing this for years as I doubted my ability and didn’t feel confident enough. Now, I wish I’d taken the leap years ago. I hope to inspire anyone contemplating further education who doubts themselves because of their age, standard of education or circumstances and now wants to do something for themselves.  

Don’t make age an excuse or a barrier to going back to studying. You can achieve anything you want, but you must be brave enough to take that first step—you won’t regret it.  


Interested in seeing where a psychology course could lead you? To find out more, download a prospectus. 

Mauro Orru

I wanted a degree in law, and I wanted a first class Bachelors and I wanted to achieve it in 3 years, and no campus-based course would have allowed me to work at my own pace to achieve just that.

Agnisha Bose

I aspire to become a mental health professional and start my own private practice one day.

Latoya Stephenson-Smith

After completing the module, I hope to teach additional public health courses to undergraduate students within the academic setting.